
Ann Arbor这地方,说起感情最深的宝贝,就数你和Shaman Drum,这下好了,你们都倒了。
In December, When I read the News on Michigan Daily, saying the "Father and Mother’s Shop on East Liberty St. is going to close by the end of Februrary", I immidiately google-mapped you, and found your name to be "John Leidy". I was relieved that it wasn’t you, but I was wrong.
周一我去,听说你周末就走了。环顾四周,也不晓得该买点什么好。挑了几张卡,我在你这里看中的第一样就是卡,你大概不知道,那是三年前了,是我第一次来Ann Arbor的时候。你总是很安静,又温暖,弄得我每次从冷风里一头栽进去的时候,都有点不知所措。店里的老太太,慢条斯理的,带着老花眼镜冲我微笑。她们包装出来的礼品,都像是家里的一样,有亲情的味道。
Beatles– <Yesterday>的八音盒。这大概就是缘分吧,就当作你在向我告别。
The first time I found you was in February 2007, almost the same time three years ago, when I was an exchange student from China, staying here for merely one month. One year later, I transferred to Michigan, and I visited you the first week I arrived. You always have plenty of pretty little stuff that I LOVE, and it felt warm whenever I am with you.The ladies in the shop smiled at me everytime I entered, and they wrapped my little things with great patience and love.
周三我又去看电影,望了你一眼,周四我去T.K. Wu 吃饭,又从你身边经过。
It’s heart-breaking to see you leave, it seems that all the old things are gradually going out of my life, and I cannot stop it.
But inside, it is still as warm as before.

The last two pieces of art work I got from you.
而Shaman Drum…只剩背影.
Shaman Drum has gone too…
Before I left, I told those ladies there that I am blogging about you and they gave their email address to me, saying they also would like to have a look. Hope that they can see this too.
Thank you and I will miss you.

2 thoughts on “Yesterday

  1. Annie 姐姐: 不会啊! 我对Ann Arbor 也有很深的感情.虽然只有待了两年不到,但是我觉得我一辈子都会记得这里.

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